Pioneer Press - Twin Cities, METROPOLITAN COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MASTER WATER SUPPLY PLAN UPDATE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL (COUNCIL CHAMBERS) 390 ROBERT STREET NORTH, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2015 5:00 P.M. Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) will hold a public hearing to inform the public about and accept comments on its Draft Twin Cities Metropolitan Area Master Water Supply Plan. Originally approved in 2010, the Draft Twin Cities Metropolitan Area Master Water Supply Plan is being updated to integrate with Thrive MSP 2040, the region's 30-year comprehensive plan. The update also includes new data and information that has been collected since 2010. The purpose of the Plan is to provide communities in the region with planning assistance for water supply in a way that: Recognizes local control and responsibility for owning, maintaining and operating water supply systems; Is developed in cooperation and consultation with municipal water suppliers, regional stakeholders and state agencies; Protects critical habitat and water resources over the long term; Meets regional needs for a reliable, secure water supply; Highlights the benefits of integrated planning for stormwater, wastewater and water supply; Emphasizes and supports conservation and inter-jurisdictional cooperation; and Provides clear guidance by identifying key challenges/issues/considerations in the region and available approaches without dictating solutions. The Plan provides guidance so that communities can take the most proactive, cost-effective approach to long-term planning and permitting to ensure plentiful, safe, and affordable water that supports the prosperity and livability of the region for future generations. Copies of the Draft Master Water Supply Plan are available for review at: Metropolitan Council Public Information, 390 Robert St. N., St. Paul Metropolitan Council website, All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing and provide comments. You also may submit comments, which must be received by Metropolitan Council Environmental Services no later than August 21, 2015: Send written comments to: Lanya Ross at Metropolitan Council Environmental Services, 390 Robert St. N., St. Paul, MN 55101-1805 Fax comments to: Lanya Ross at 651-602-1130 Record comments on: Metropolitan Council Public Comment Line at 651-602-1500 E-mail comments to: Send TTY comments to 651-291-0904 Upon request, Metropolitan Council Environmental Services will provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities at the public hearing. Please submit such requests by August 4, 2015, to: Metropolitan Council Public Comment Line at 651-602-1500 E-mail at TTY at 651-291-0904