Alamogordo Daily News, Legal # 5764(Published 6/14/2015)NOTICE TO INTERESTED PARTIESFY 2017 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FORRURAL/NON-URBANIZED PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 49 USC SECTION 5311 AND ENHANCED MOBILITY OF SENIORS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES 49 USC SECTION 5310 The New Mexico State Department of Transportation's Transit and Rail Division is accepting Letters of Intent from organizations interested in applying for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 Program (Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities) which provides capital grants to assist private non-profit organizations and, under certain conditions, public agencies, to provide safe, efficient, and coordinated transportation services for seniors and individuals with disabilities for whom public transportation is otherwise unavailable, insufficient, or inappropriate, and organizations interested in applying for FTA Section 5311 Program (Rural/Non-Urbanized Public Transportation) which provides administrative, operating, and capital funding assistance for rural public transportation. Descriptions of these grant programs, as well as others, is available at the FTA website: THIS NOTICE APPLIES TO FUNDING FOR THE 2017 FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR FOR SECTIONS 5310 and 5311 PROGRAMS BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2016 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 Interested parties wishing to apply for assistance under SECTIONS 5310 and 5311 MUST return a Letter of Intent postmarked no later than Thursday, July 2, 2015 to: New Mexico Department of TransportationTransit and Rail Divisionc/o FY 2017 LOI - Delilah GarciaP.O. Box 1149Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-1149 Letters of Intent must include:1. Organization Name, Address, and Telephone Number.2. Name, phone number and e-mail address of contact person.3. Specify which application package(s) you are requesting (Sections 5310 and 5311)For further information on these programs, Please contact Delilah Garcia at 505-827-5653 or