Denver Post, INVITATION TO BID Goodson Recreation Center Pool Deck Replacement Project (Owner): South Suburban Park and Recreation District Sealed bids will be received by South Suburban Park and Recreation District, 6631 S. University Blvd, Centennial, CO 80122 until 11:00 am local time July 23, 2015. Bids received after this time will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. At said place and time, and promptly thereafter, all bids that have been duly received will be opened publicly and read aloud. All interested parties are invited to attend. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities or informalities in any bid. The work to be performed generally includes: Select demolition, integral color concrete flatwork, plumbing including deck drains, tile repair/replacement, and other associated work. Bids shall be submitted on a lump sum basis with a requirement to bid an alternates for the addition for sandcrete acid etched finish for concrete flatwork, and additional deck replacement at spas. Copies of the Drawings, Specifications and other Contract Documents for use in preparing Bids may be obtained from the Rocky Mountain E Purchasing System at after July 8, 2015. Copies of the Drawings and Project Specifications are also on file and may be examined at the Engineer's address during normal working hours after July 8, 2015. Each Bidder shall file with his Bid a cashier's check, or a Bid Bond, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. The Bidder to whom a Contract is awarded will be required to furnish a Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond guaranteeing faithful performance. No Bids may be withdrawn within a period of sixty (60) days after the date Bids are opened. A Prebid Conference will be held at Goodson Recreation Center, 6315 S. University Blvd, Centennial, CO 80122, Room 8, on July 14, 2015 at 2:00 pm. OWNER By: Melissa Reese-Thacker, Senior Park Planner