Times-Standard, Notice of Election And Notice of Date Fixed for Submitting Arguments For & Against the Fruitland Ridge Fire Protection District Formation Election Special Election to be held November 3, 2015 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Humboldt County Elections is conducting a Special Election for the formation of the Fruitland Ridge Fire Protection District and a special tax, which, if approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by voters voting on the measure within the proposed district boundaries, would be apportioned to property at a rate of $60 per parcel. The Special Election will be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2015. The following measure will be submitted to the voters of the proposed Fruitland Ridge Fire Protection District: Measure B Formation of Fruitland Ridge Fire Protection District and Special Tax "Shall the order adopted on May 20, 2015, by the Humboldt Local Agency Formation Commission ordering the formation of the Fruitland Ridge Fire Protection District in the territory described, subject to the terms and conditions specified in Resolution No. 15-04, be approved?" Yes ____ No ____ Humboldt LAFCo Resolution No. 15-04 adopted on May 20, 2015 states "the reasons [cited in support of the Fruitland Ridge Fire Protection District] are to: 1) establish a fire protection district to support the continued operation of the Fruitland Volunteer Fire Company on behalf of the Fruitland Ridge Fire Protection District that would make available the benefits and authorities contained in the Fire Protection District Law of 1987; 2) establish an elected board of directors to manage the delivery of fire protection services to the community; 3) establish formal boundaries within which fire protection services can be adequately delivered and that clearly define the service responsibilities of the Fruitland Ridge Volunteer Fire Department on behalf of the Fruitland Ridge Fire Protection District, for the benefit of fire service providers, land use authorities, the public, and other service providers; and 4) provide the authority to establish revenue sources that can support the delivery of fire protection services that the residents of the Fruitland Ridge Fire Protection District can rely upon into the future." The proposed Fruitland Ridge Fire Protection District would be funded through a special tax and would not utilize the regular county assessment roll, and the affected territory would not affect the bonded indebtedness of any other local agency. The proposed Fruitland Ridge Fire Protection District would have the same boundaries as the Fruitland Volunteer Fire Company response area, comprising approximately 12,671 acres, located in the south-eastern portion of Humboldt County. If you desire a copy of the resolution which contains the complete legal description, please contact the elections office at (707) 445-7481. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that written arguments shall be submitted to the Humboldt County Elections Office no later than August 12, 2015, until which time arguments may be changed or withdrawn by the proponents until and including the date fixed for filing arguments. The Humboldt County Elections Office is located at 3033 H Street, Room 20, Eureka, California. Any individual voter who is eligible to vote on the measure or bona fide association of citizens or any combination of such voters and associations may file written argument(s) for or against the measure. No arguments submitted will be accepted unless accompanied by the name(s) of the person(s) submitting it, or if submitted on behalf of an organization, the name of the organization and the name of at least one of its principal officers. No arguments shall exceed 300 words in length. Arguments shall be entitled either "Argument in Favor of Measure B" or "Argument Against Measure B." If more than one argument for "Measure B" or more than one argument against "Measure B" is submitted to the Elections Office within the time prescribed, the clerk shall select one argument in favor of the measure and one argument against the measure for printing and distribution to the voters of the proposed district. Election of Initial Board of Directors Candidates(s) for the above office(s) shall be voters of the district. Declaration of candidacy forms are available from the Humboldt County Elections Office which is located at 3033 H Street, Room 20, Eureka, California. Declaration of Candidacy forms are available from July 13, 2015, and must be filed with the County Elections Office no later than 5:00 pm on August 7, 2015. Dated: July 14, 2015 Kelly Sanders County Clerk, Recorder, and Registrar of Voters By: Judith Hedgpeth Elections Manager