The Record, Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Troy, New York will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, 5th Floor, City Hall, 433 River Street, in order to hear and decide on proposals for development as follows: Old Business Agenda PC2015-007 SEQRA & Conceptual Site Plan Review – proposal to construct a multi-story, mixed-use building structure at 1 Monument Square for the purpose of residential use (apartment dwellings), assembly use (Troy Farmer’s Market as well as restaurant), zoned B-4, ID 101.53-1-1. Applicant is Monument Square, LLC of 199 West Road, Pleasant Valley, New York 12569 New Business Agenda PC2015-059 SEQRA & Site Plan Review –Applicant is proposing a retail use (home-goods store and coffee bar). The building is located at 147 Fourth St, zoned B-4, ID 101.61-6-7. Applicant is Mike Romig of 116 Forts Ferry Rd. Latham, NY 12110. PC2015-0060 SEQRA & Site Plan Review- Applicant is proposing to demolish a building on the property and construct an addition to the existing Gaerttner Linear Accelerator Center for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The property is located at 220 Sunset Terrace, zoned INST, ID 101.50-1-1./1. Applicant is McKinney McDonald Architects of 11 British American Blvd Latham, NY 12110. PC2015-0061 SEQRA & Site Plan Review- Applicant is proposing a business use (tattoo parlor). The building is located at 443 Fifth Ave, zoned B-2, ID 80.71-4-15.2. Applicant is Chad LeComb of 901 5th Ave. Troy, NY 12182. PC2015-0062 SEQRA & Site Plan Review- Applicant is proposing an assembly use (fast food restaurant). The property is located at 120 Hoosick St. zoned B-3, ID 101.31-10-3./1. Applicant is Bohler Engineering of 17 Computer Drive West Albany, NY 12205. PC2015-0063 SEQRA & Site Plan Review- Applicant is proposing a clothing store. The property is located at 561-565 Congress St, zoned B-2, ID 101.80-2-44. Applicant is Amanda Medina 220 6th Ave Apt 101 bldg A Troy, NY 12180. PC2015-0064 SEQRA & Site Plan Review- Applicant is proposing a laundry mat. Previous use was a laundry mat. The building is located at 3 Winter St, zoned B-1, ID 112.83-3-11. Applicant is David Richter 66 North Pine Ave Albany, NY 12203. PC2015-0065 SEQRA & Site Plan Review- Applicant is proposing to open a fire protection business (sprinkler systems). The property is located at 363 Fifth Ave, zoned B-2, ID 80.79-6-4. Applicant is Edward Matthews 36 Little Bear Rd. Troy, NY 12182. PC2015-0066 SEQRA & Site Plan Review- Applicant is proposing 75 residential units. The property is located at 432-450 River St, zoned HWD, ID 101.38-1-1. Applicant is Vencino Bond Group LLC of 305 West Commercial Street Springfield, MO 65803. PC2015-0067 SEQRA & Site Plan Review- Applicant is proposing storage and office space to suit. The property is located at 80 Second Ave, zoned B-2, ID 90.46-2-40.1. Applicant is Zack Mian 850 River St. Troy, NY 12180. Should any unforeseen events occur, any of the proposals noted herein may not be reviewed at said hearing. Any proposals previously tabled by the Commission may be reviewed at this hearing without benefit of public notice. Any other proposals reviewed by the Commission at this hearing will receive publication in this newspaper at least five days prior to the hearing date. Auxiliary aids and services are available for individuals or groups with disabilities. Please provide one-week advance notice for such service. For information contact the Troy Bureau of Engineering at 279-7179. Any person having interest in the above matters will be heard at said time and place. City of Troy Planning Commission Andrew J. Donovan, Executive Secretary 7/16, 1x/681052