NWsource, CITY OF KIRKLAND NOTICE OF SEPA DETERMINATION The City of Kirkland has issued a Determination of Nonsignificance in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the following project: PERMIT NO.: SEP15-01137 PROPONENT: City of Kirkland Capital Improvement Project Engineering. LOCATION: Cross Kirkland Corridor, adjacent to 11011 120th Ave NE. DESCRIPTION: Replace an existing rotted and bellied 24 inch SMP with a 24 inch PVC pipe west of the Cross Kirkland Corridor (CKC) and improve the high flow bypass pipe under the CKC by installing a mesh screen over the inlet to prevent fish stranding. STAFF CONTACT: Christian Geitz, cgeitz@kirklandwa.gov or 425-587-3246. COMMENT DEADLINE: June 26, 2015 More information is available at www.mybuildingpermit.com or by calling the Planning Department at 425-587-3225.