Delco Times, BOROUGH OF MARCUS HOOK PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Marcus Hook Borough Council at a meeting held on July 6, 2015, passed on first reading the following proposed Ordinance amending the Code of the Borough of Marcus Hook: An Ordinance repealing and replacing Chapter 99, entitled Flood Damage Prevention, requiring all persons, partnerships, businesses, and corporations to obtain a permit for any construction or development; providing for the issuance of such permits; setting forth certain minimum requirements for new construction and development within areas of the Borough of Marcus Hook which are subject to flooding; and establishing penalties for any persons who fail, or refuse to comply with, the requirements or provisions of this ordinance. The Borough Council proposes to take action on this Ordinance on August 3, 2015, at 7:00 PM in the Marcus Hook Municipal Building, 10th and Green Streets. A complete text of this Ordinance is available at the Municipal Building, the offices of the Daily Times and the Delaware County Law Library. Aubrey E. Mulholland Borough Manager DCT, July 16, a-1