Las Cruces Sun News, STATE OF NEW MEXICOCOUNTY OF DONA ANATHIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT No. D-307-CV-2015-00098LSF8 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST, Plaintiff,vs.MARCUS DUNFORD AKA MARCUS T. DUNFORD AKA MARCUS TONY DUNFORD, DEBRA DUNFORD AKA DEBBIE DUNFORD AKA DEBRA M. DUNFORD AKA DEBRA MICHELLE DUNFORD, MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT INC., SUNPORT FINANCIAL, LLC, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, AND THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION & REVENUE, Defendants.NOTICE OF SUITTO: Marcus Dunford aka Marcus T. Dunford aka Marcus Tony Dunford You are hereby notified that a civil action has been filed against you in the District Court of Dona Ana County, New Mexico, by Plaintiff, LSF8 Master Participation Trust, in which Plaintiff prays for foreclosure on its Note and Mortgage on real property located in Dona Ana County, New Mexico, as described in the claim in said cause against Defendants named above, that the said real property be sold according to law and practice of this Court to pay the lien of the Plaintiff, and that the interest of the Defendants, and each of them, and all persons claiming under or through them and all other persons bound by these proceedings be barred and foreclosed of all rights, interest of claims to said real property, and for such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper. The property involved is the real estate and improvements located at 881 Supreme Ct, Las Cruces, New Mexico88007, and more particularly described as:A tract of land situate West of Las Cruces, Dona Ana County, New Mexico, being the SW1/4 of the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 20, T.23S., R.1E., N.M.P.M. of the U.S.G.L.O. Surveys, and being more particularly described as follows, to wit:BEGINNING at a ½ " iron rod found for the Northwest corner of this tract: IDENTICAL to the Northwest corner of the SW1/4 SE1/4 NE1/4 NW1/4 of Section 20, T.23S., R.1E., N.M.P.M. of the U.S.G.L.O. Surveys;THENCE, from the point of beginning, S. 89 ? 49' 35"E., a distance of 330.44 feet to a ½" iron rod found at the center of a 50.00 foot radius cul-de-sac road and utility easement, known as Supreme Court, for the Northeast corner of this tract; THENCE S.00 ? 08'21"W, a distance of 329.68 feet to a ½" iron rod found on the centerline of a 66.00 foot wide road and utility easement, known as Hillcrest Avenue, for the Southeast corner of this tract;THENCE, along the centerline of Hillcrest Avenue, N. 89 ? 49'12"W., a distance of 330.31 feet to a brass cap (#250) found for the Southwest corner of this tract;THENCE, leaving Hillcrest Avenue, N.00 ? 07'02"E., a distance of 329.64 feet to the point of beginning, enclosing 2.500 acres of land, more or less. Subject to a 50.00 foot radius cul-de-sac road and utility easement centered on the Northeast corner of this tract, and a 33.00 foot wide road and utility easement parallel and immediately adjacent to the Southerly and Westerly boundaries. Also subject to all other easements and reservations of record.Information in the preparation of this description derives from Warranty Deed filed February 10, 2004, in Book 496, Page 1368, of the Dona Ana County Records. A plat was prepared under Job No. 04-08-0759. Field Notes by SCANLON WHITE, INC., License No. 9433,including any improvements, fixtures, and attachments, such as, but not limited to, mobile homes.If there is a conflict between the legal description and the street address, the legal description shall control.You are further notified that unless you enter or cause to be entered your appearance or file responsive pleadings or motions in said cause within thirty (30) days of the third consecutive publication of this Notice of Suit, judgment will be rendered in said cause against you and each of you by default, and the relief prayed for will be granted. The name of the attorneys for LSF8 Master Participation Trust is Rose L. Brand & Associates, P.C., 7430 Washington Street, NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109, Telephone: (505) 833-3036. BY ORDER OF the Honorable Manuel I. Arrieta, District Judge of the Third Judicial District Court of the State of New Mexico, and the Seal of the District Court of Dona Ana County, entered on July 8th, 2015 Dated July 14,2015 By: Joe Martinez CLERK OF THE COURTPub#55910Run Dates: July 18,25, August 1,2015