Bucks Local News, PUBLIC NOTICE Please take notice that the Zoning Hearing Board of Lower Makefield Township will meet on Tuesday, August 4, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in the Lower Makefield Township Municipal Building, 1100 Edgewood Road, Yardley PA 19067, for the purpose of hearing the following appeal. Appeal #15-1735 of James Osterstock, for property located at 2224 Stackhouse Drive, Yardley, PA 19067, tax parcel # 20-038-125. Applicant is requesting variances as follows: 1. Lower Makefield Township Zoning Ordinance Section 200-23B “Maximum impervious surface ratio”; 2. Lower Makefield Township Zoning Ordinance Section 200-22 “Lot area and yard requirements for dwellings”; in order to permit construction of an attached third car garage and driveway expansion resulting in a greater than permitted impervious surface of 19% and a less than required side yard setback of 5’. Appeal #15-1738 of James and Colleen Corte, for property located at 390 Trend Road, Yardley, PA 19067, tax parcel #20-042-289. Applicant is requesting variance to Lower Makefield Township Zoning Ordinance Section 200-69(14)(c) “Residential accessory buildings, structures and fences” “Fences and walls”; in order to permit erection of a fence resulting in encroachment of side yard easement. Appeal #15-1739 of Barry and Barbara Deacon, for property located at 1 Fairway Drive, Yardley, PA 19067, tax parcel #20-026-020. Applicant is requesting variances as follows: 1. Lower Makefield Township Zoning Ordinance Section 200-22 “Lot area and yard requirements for dwellings”; 2. Lower Makefield Township Zoning Ordinance Section 200-23B “Impervious surface requirements” “Maximum impervious surface ratio”; in order to permit a garage and laundry room addition to existing dwelling and driveway extension resulting in less than required front yard setback of 26’ and a greater than allowable impervious surface ratio of 25%. Any interested person desiring to attend the hearing will be given the opportunity to be heard. Lower Makefield Township Anthony Zamparelli, Secretary Zoning Hearing Board ADV Jul 19, 26 1 - a