New Haven Register, INVITATION FOR BIDS State-Trumbull Parking Lot New Haven Parking Authority New Haven, Connecticut NHPA Project #14-017 Bids due August 12, 2015 at 3:00 PM. The work for this project includes, but is not limited to: obtaining all required City of New Haven permits and State of Connecticut Encroachment Permit; providing all required bonds and insurance; coordination with utility companies; demolition and disposal of select existing surface improvements; soil erosion and sedimentation control measures; site preparation; tree and brush removals; site grading; pavement construction; curbing; signing and pavement markings; electric service entrance and site lighting system; providing chain link fence and wood railing; providing engineered soil, topsoil, and landscaping in addition to stormwater collection, a grass-lined swale, and a rain garden for stormwater management; and project coordination; together with all incidental work thereto and in accordance with Bid Documents. Bid Documents including Project Manual, Drawings and Bid Forms will be available beginning July 20, 2015 at no cost by downloading from the Grade Beam FTP site. To access the FTP site use the following link: . Please contact Maryann Bigda at 203-712-6070 for information. NHPA is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.