The Macomb Daily, NOTICE of Sale This is notification the following property will be sold for cash at public auction at: Emerald City Harbor 24200 Jefferson Ave. St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 586-772-4200 At 10 a.m. on August 7, 2015 This sale is being conducted in accordance with the Michigan Marina and Boat Storage Lien Act (1998 PA362). Auction of the following boat: 26’ Wellcraft MC # 6459 NA Owner: Rybicki 24 Sport Craft MC# 0027 GN Owner: Midowski / Scrivo 26’ Searay MC# 9852 LM Owner: Howell (Located off site) 32 Burnscraft House boat MC# 4108 JF Owner: Ringe ( Located off site ) Published: MD-7/20 & 7/27/15