New Haven Register, CITY NOTICE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CITY OF NEW HAVEN NOTICE is hereby given of the following decisions rendered by the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS on July 14, 2015. An appeal by any person aggrieved by this decision must be taken to SUPERIOR COURT, JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF NEW HAVEN, within fifteen (l5) days after the date of publication: APPROVED: 1. 15-58-V. 339 Ella T Grasso Boulevard. Use Variance to allow a convenience store in a Light Industrial (IL) District. Owner: Michael and Claire Corrigan, Applicant: Gurjant Narain 2. 15-60-S. 401 Sherman Avenue. Special Exception for a Child Day Care in a High- Middle Density (RM-2) Residence District. Owner: 401 Sherman LLC, Applicant: Maria Vargas. 3. 15-61-V. 437 Elm Street and 286 Dwight Street. Variances to allow a 6ft 1in side yard where 8ft is required and 21ft side wall heights where 12ft 2in is permitted. Zone: RM-2. Owner/ Applicant: Fellowship Place, Inc. 4. 15-47-S. 5 Edwards Street. Special Exceptions to allow a Café Liquor License and 0 onsite parking spaces where 2 spaces are required in a General Business (BA) District. Owner: 990 State Street Associates LLC. Applicant: Andrew Hotis 5. 15-49-V, 15-50-S, 272-310 and 316 Elm Street. Variances to allow a rear yard of 16.4ft where 24.34ft is required and floor to area ratio (FAR) of 2.984 where a maximum of 2.0 is permitted; Special Exception to provide 0 onsite parking spaces and 0 onsite loading spaces where 145 parking and two loading spaces are required, in a General Business (BA) District. Owner/Applicant: Yale University DENIED 6. 15-14-R. 150 Westerleigh Road and 1500 Whalley Avenue. Review of Administrative Decision of Zoning Enforcement Officer concerning residential use of property located in a General Business (BA) District. Applicant(s): Andrea Atkinson, Joe and Barbara Adelizzi 7. 15-48-S. 76-80 Chapel Street. Special Exception to replace an existing non-conforming use (auto sales and repair) with another nonconforming use (storage) in a High- Middle Density (RM-2) Residence District. Owner: Fletchers Garage II LLC. Applicant: RJA Builders LLC 8. 15-53-S. 547-549 Ferry Street. Special Exception to allow extended hours of beer and wine service in an existing restaurant in a General Business (BA) District. Owner: Ritz Associates, LLC, Applicant: Luis Toral Gaylord Bourne, Secretary