New Haven Register, LEGAL NOTICE NORTH HAVEN BOARD OF EDUCATION INVITATION TO BID FOR PAINTING Sealed bids for the following will be received at the office of the Director of Finance and Operations, 5 Linsley Street, Third Floor, North Haven, Connecticut 06473 until Friday, July 31, 2015 by 11.a.m. at which time and place they will be opened and publicly read. Bid Specifications may be obtained from the Office of Business and Operations by calling 203-239-2581 (8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.) or by visiting the website After bids are received, the Director of Finance and Operations may analyze whether vendors have submitted comparable bids and meet the requirements called for. In reviewing the bids, the Director of Finance and Operations may consider the past performance, financial responsibility, and sales and service experience of the vendors. The Director of Finance and Operations reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any defects in same, or to choose to make purchases other than strictly in accordance with price considerations, and/or choose other than the lowest bidder, if it is deemed in the best interest of the North Haven Public Schools. All Contractors are to attend a mandatory walk through on Friday, July 24, 2015 at 9 a.m. at North Haven High School, 221 Elm St., North Haven, CT. Bidders are advised hereby of the existence of an Ordinance concerning Bid Preference for Town-Based Specifications: • First floor hallways in academic wing • All maroon hand rails in stairwells and on all ramps • Paint and repair 4 sections of ceiling in front of the auditorium • Paint all steel structure of canopy at the buildings main entrance • Repair wallpaper in main office area