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NOTICE The Zoning Hearing Board of Upper Providence Township will meet on Thursday, August 6, 2015, at 7:30...

The Mercury, NOTICE The Zoning Hearing Board of Upper Providence Township will meet on Thursday, August 6, 2015, at 7:30 p.m., in the Upper Providence Township Hall, 1301 Black Rock Road, Oaks, Pennsylvania, and hold a public hearing to consider the following: Application No. 15-02 of ANDREW J. MICHAL and JILL M. MICHAL, owners of legal title; CONCERNING premises situate at 24 Longacre Drive, Upper Providence Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, in the R-1 Residential-Agricultural District, containing an existing single-family dwelling; REQUESTING a variance from Section 182-15 of the Upper Providence Township Zoning Ordinance (prohibiting the erection or projection of a structure or part thereof within or into any minimum required yard, subject to certain exceptions) and Section 182-41 of the Zoning Ordinance (requiring an aggregate side yard total of 60 ft. with neither side yard being less than 20 ft.); TO PERMIT the construction of a 1,063 s.f. addition to the side of the existing dwelling, containing an in-law suite on the second floor and garage space on the first floor, which addition will encroach into the required minimum 20-ft. side yard along the northeasterly side lot line of the premises, being setback 5 ft. from such lot line at its closest point. All citizens and interested persons may appear before the Zoning Hearing Board at the above date, time and place for the hearing and will be heard. The Zoning Hearing Board reserves the right to consider such other matters and to conduct such other business as may properly come before it. H. Thomas Walker, III Chairman John A. Koury, Jr., Esquire Solicitor MER 7/21,28 a-1

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