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Farmington Daily-Times, STATE OF NEW MEXICOCOUNTY OF SAN JUANELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICTNo. D-1116-CV-2015-00734 STATE OF NEW MEXICO, ex rel., NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, Petitioner, vs. ORLIN C. GOMEZ, RHONDA L. GOMEZ,FORT WORTH MORTGAGE CORPORATION, SAN JUAN COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS, C/O SAN JUANCOUNTY CLERK, PROPERTY TAX DIVISION OF THETAXATION AND REVENUE DEPARTMENT, ALL UNKNOWN OWNERS OR CLAIMANTS OF THE PROPERTY INVOLVED, Defendants. NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY ORDER OF ENTRY AND NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION TO: The above-named Defendants, and each of you: You, and each of you, are hereby notified that the Court has granted the Petitioner a Preliminary Order of Entry to immediately enter and occupy the property described below and to do such work thereon as may be required, and that unless you file objections thereto within ten (10) days after personal service of this Notice upon you, or within three (3) days after the last date of publication of this Notice, if you be not personally served, the Court shall enter a Permanent Order of Entry, restraining you forever from hindering or interfering with the occupation and use of the property; and, further, that all proceedings subsequent to the Permanent Order of Entry shall deal only with the amount of compensation due to you for the taking of the property. You, and each of you, are hereby further notified that a Petition to condemn for public highway purposes has been filed against you with the Clerk of the District Court of San Juan County, New Mexico, in which county the property, or a part thereof, is located, and which property is described as:Parcel 3-CME-1 (PCN F100110) is located south of the outside southerly existing Right of Way of U.S. Highway 64, and is located approximately 675 feet west of County Road 5455, and approximately 0.2 miles east from mile post 58, west of the City of Bloomfield, in San Juan County, State of New Mexico. Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 550 (South Bloomfield Boulevard) and U.S. Highway 64 (W. Broadway Avenue) ; From this intersection travel westerly for approximately 5.7 miles on U.S. Highway 64 (W. Broadway Avenue); This Parcel is located on outside the southerly existing Right of Way of U.S. Highway 64, and is located approximately 675 feet west of County Road 5455, and approximately 0.2 miles east from mile post 58, west of the City of Bloomfield, in San Juan County, State of New Mexico. This project is not access controlled.and the above property is more particularly described under its parcel number in the Petition on file in this cause, and that such highway project has been designated New Mexico Project F100110, in San Juan County, New Mexico. You, and each of you are hereby further notified that the amount offered as just compensation, shown with each separate numerical parcel designation, has been deposited by the Petitioner with the Clerk of the District Court and a portion or all of the amount offered may be withdrawn by a person having an estate or interest in the property described in the Petition on file. This withdrawal may be made only by order of the Court upon proper motion. You and each of you are hereby commanded to file and serve an answer, as provided by law, to the Petition on file herein within thirty (30) days after service of this Notice on you or thirty (30) days after the last date of publication of this Notice, if you are not personally served. Unless you so appear and answer, the Petitioner will apply to the Court for judgment as provided by law. This judgment will fix the amount of compensation due to you for the condemnation of the property at the amount offered and deposited by Petitioner. The name and address of attorney for Petitioner is: Kenneth B. Baca, Special Assistant Attorney General, New Mexico Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 1149, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-1149. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the District Court of San Juan County, New Mexico, this 7th day of July 2015.WELDON J. NEFFClerk of the District Court(SEAL)By: NANCY MARTINEZDeputyLegal No. 71635 published in The Daily Time son July 22 & 29, 2015.

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