Farmington Daily-Times, New Mexico Environment Department - Ground Water Quality Bureau Notice is hereby given pursuant to NMAC, the following Ground Water Discharge Permit applications have been proposed for approval. To request additional information or to obtain a copy of a draft permit, contact the Ground Water Quality Bureau in Santa Fe at (505) 827-2900. Draft permits may also be viewed on-line at DP-1698, Enchanted Mesa Mobile Home Park, Robert Amador, Owner, proposes to renew the Discharge Permit for the discharge of up to 16,900 gallons per day of domestic wastewater collected and treated in a sequencing batch reactor activated sludge mechanical treatment plant followed by disposal via low pressure dosing to either a sub-surface drip irrigation field totaling 25,260 square feet or to leach fields totaling 16,600 square feet. Potential contaminants associated with this type of discharge include nitrogen compounds. The facility is located in La Mesilla at 313 State Road 399, approximately 4 miles south of Espanola, in Section 27, Township 20N, Range 08E, Rio Arriba County. Ground water beneath the site is at a depth of approximately 40 feet and has a total dissolved solids concentration of approximately 538 milligrams per liter. NMED permit contact: Alan Garrido at (505)827-2713 or Prior to ruling on any proposed Discharge Permit or its modification, the New Mexico Environment Department, (NMED) will allow thirty days after the date of publication of this notice to receive written comments and during which a public hearing may be requested by any interested person, including the applicant. Requests for public hearing shall be in writing and shall set forth the reasons why the hearing should be held. A hearing will be held If NMED determines that there is substantial public interest. Comments for requests for hearing should be submitted to the Ground Water Quality Bureau at PO Box 5469, Santa Fe, NM 87502-5469.Legal No. 71729 published in The Daily Times on July 24, 2015.