Farmington Daily-Times, NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the provisions of Section 3-17-3, NMSA 1978 Compilation, that an ordinance has been proposed for adoption and will be considered by the Farmington City Council at its meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 11, 2015, in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 800 Municipal Drive, Farmington, New Mexico. The ordinance as proposed reads as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-_____ The Ordinance is entitled: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING THE SALE OF CITY-OWNED LAND TO THE CARL RHAMES AND DONNA L. RHAMES REVOCABLE TRUST, CARL RHAMES AND DONNA L. RHAMES, TRUSTEES WHEREAS, the City of Farmington (hereinafter "City") is the owner of a certain tract of land in San Juan County, New Mexico, located at 2107 Schofield Lane, Farmington, New Mexico; and WHEREAS, the land, totaling .51 acres, more or less, and residence affixed to the land located in the city of Farmington, is surplus property not needed for any municipal purpose; and WHEREAS, the Carl Rhames and Donna L. Rhames Revocable Trust, Carl Rhames and Donna L. Rhames, Trustees of Farmington, New Mexico, (hereinafter "Purchaser") wishes to purchase the surplus property from the City in order to renovate the property back to a single family dwelling; and WHEREAS, the parties have entered into an agreement entitled "Purchase Agreement" between the City and Purchaser, (hereinafter "Agreement") which sets forth the terms and conditions of the purchase; and WHEREAS, Section 3-54-1 NMSA sets forth a procedure for approving the sale or exchange of City-owned property having a value of more than $25,000.00 which requires the adoption and publication of an ordinance approving such transaction. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FARMINGTON:SECTION ONE. AUTHORIZATION. The sale of land from the City to Purchaser, as set forth in the Agreement, and the Agreement, are hereby approved, and the Mayor is authorized to execute the Agreement for and on behalf of the City.SECTION TWO. TERMS. The transaction is a sale of real property containing a tract of land approximately .51 acres with affixed single family residence to the Carl Rhames and Donna L. Rhames Revocable Trust, Carl Rhames and Donna L. Rhames, Trustees from the City. The terms of the transaction are a conveyance of the property to the Purchaser and a cash payment from Purchaser to the City. The terms of the purchase are more specifically described in the Agreement. SECTION THREE. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION. The following described tract of land would be conveyed from the City to Purchaser:A tract of land in the West One-Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (W/2SW/4SW/4) of Section Two (2), in Township Twenty Nine (29) North of Range Thirteen (13) West, N.M.P.M., in the city of Farmington, San Juan County, New Mexico, described as follows:BEGINNING at a point which is North 00°07 East 604.6 feet and thence South 80°45' West 25.35 feet from the Southeast Corner of the W/2SW/4SW/4 of said Section 2;THENCE South 80°45' West 210.3 feet;THENCE North 01°28' West 123.14 feet;THENCE South 89°13' East 208.8 feet to a point in the West line of Schofield Lane;THENCE South 01°28' East 88.8 feet to the point of beginning.SECTION FOUR. APPRAISED VALUE. The appraised value of the property is $76,000.00 based on a March 12, 2014 appraisal. SECTION FIVE. PAYMENTS AND AMOUNT. Purchaser will pay the total purchase price of $75,000.00 in full to the City at closing. SECTION SIX. IDENTITY OF PURCHASER. The Purchaser is the Carl Rhames and Donna L. Rhames Revocable Trust, Carl Rhames and Donna L. Rhames, Trustees located at P.O. Box 331, Farmington, New Mexico. SECTION SEVEN. PURPOSE. The purpose of the sale is to allow Purchaser to acquire the land owned by the City to renovate property back to a single family residence.SECTION EIGHT. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance will become effective forty-five (45) days from the date of its adoption unless a referendum election is called pursuant to Section 3-54-1 NMSA. If this ordinance becomes the subject of a referendum election, it shall become effective as of the date the results of the election are certified showing that it has been approved. If the election fails to approve this ordinance, it will become void and of no effect. SECTION NINE. COPIES OF THE AGREEMENT. Copies of the Agreement referred to herein will be available for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk during regular business hours.SECTION TEN. PUBLICATION. The City Clerk is hereby instructed to see that this ordinance is published within one week of its adoption as provided by Section 3-54-1 NMSA. PASSED, APPROVED, SIGNED AND ADOPTED this ____ day of August, 2015.______________________________Tommy Roberts, MayorSEALATTEST:____________________________Dianne Smylie, City Clerk The Ordinance proposed for adoption can be reviewed or copied upon payment of a reasonable charge during normal and regular business hours at the office of the City Clerk, City of Farmington, 800 Municipal Drive, Farmington, New Mexico. WITNESS my hand and seal of office this 21st day of July, 2015.SEAL /s/________________ Dianne Smylie, City ClerkLegal No. 71742 published in The Daily Times on July 26, 2015.