Hearst Media Services, The Pond and Lake Connection (203-426-7055), located at 64 Barnabas Road, Suite 5, Newtown, CT 06470 will be making an aquatic pesticide application to control algae and/or invasive aquatic weeds at Lake Wackawana, 17 Alan Rd., Danbury, CT. The following permitted herbicides may be used: Cutrine and / or Reward. The application will be made on or around July 28, 2015. Information on the specific date of the application may be obtained from the person names below: The Pond and Lake Connection 64 Barnabas Road, Suite 5 Newtown, CT 06470 203-426-7055 pondconnection@gmail.com www.thepondconnection.com Do not use the water for the following purpose(s) until the date and time noted below: Swimming: 24 Hours Drinking: 24 Hours Fishing: 24 Hours Irrigation: 24 Hours Livestock Watering: 24 Hours Boating: No Restriction Other: 24 Hours