El Paso Times, NOTICE OF SALE Portable Self Moving and Storage, hereby publishes notice, as required by Texas Self-Service Storage Facility Liens Act (TX Sect. 59.041) of a public sale of the property listed below to satisfy a landlords lien. All sales are for cash to the highest bidder and are considered final. Portable Self Moving and Storage reserves the right to reject any bids. The sale will be held at 50 Walter Jones Blvd Suite #4 El Paso, TX 79906 and will be held at 10:00 AM on Saturday August 15, 2015. CUSTOMER POD# Murdoch, Trevor 42B101 Langley, Olivia 21890BX Balderas, Maricela 28B37 Chavira, Ramon 27A101 Contents include but not limited to: Household items, books, exercise equipment stereo equipment and more.