Hearst Media Services, Legal Notice Zoning Board - City of Stamford APPL. 215-21 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of the City of Stamford, CT at its regular meeting held on Monday, July 27, 2015 UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED AS MODIFIED the application of The Boys & Girls Club of Stamford, requesting approval of Special Exception and Site & Architectural Plan applications to facilitate the construction of additions to the existing Public/Nonprofit Youth Service Agency building for additional programming space and a new gymnasium, totaling approximately 25, 850 sq. ft. of floor area, with associated parking, driveways, and landscaping on a 0.86± acre site in the R-6 zoning district, commonly referred to as 347 Stillwater Avenue and further described below. The existing shared parking in Lione Park will also be expanded as part of other park improvements. All that area of land commonly referred to as 347 Stillwater Avenue (Assessor Card #002-6850), generally bounded as follows: Westerly: 150'± by the easterly side of Stillwater Avenue; Southerly: 250' ± by land n/f of the City of Stamford (aka Lione Park); Easterly: 150'± by the westerly side of Delaware Avenue; and Northerly: 250'± by lands n/f of Roger Paul Foglio & Paula Lisowski (Assessor Card 000-7554) and lands n/f of Yves and Marie M. Loiseau (Assessor Card 002-0495), each in part. Effective date of this decision: July 31, 2015 ATTEST: THOMAS R. MILLS CHAIRMAN, ZONING BOARD CITY OF STAMFORD, CONN. Dated at the City of Stamford, CT. this 31st day of July 2015