New Haven Register, STATE OF CONNECTICUT JOINT COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE MANAGEMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 2-71p of the Connecticut General Statutes, as amended, that the Joint Committee on Legislative Management of the Connecticut General Assembly has issued a Request for Proposal for Building Automation Equipment Inspection and Maintenance - JCLM16REG0007. Proposal responses are due no later than 12 p.m. (noon) on August 28, 2015. All Proposals must be submitted in accordance with the specifications and forms supplied in the specifications. Forms and specifications are available in the Office of Legislative Management, Room 5100 Legislative Office Building, Hartford, CT 06106 (Phone 860-240-0100; Fax 860-240-0122). This Request for Proposal is posted on the portal website which can be found at the following address: Responses must be received by the time and date indicated above at the Office of Legislative Management, Room 5100 Legislative Office Building, Hartford, CT 06106.