The Oneida Daily Dispatch, LEGAL NOTICE Tax Warrant 7/29/15 The Cazenovia Central School District tax war-rant is expected to be approved at the Board of Education meeting on August 24, 2015 and tax bills will be mailed by August 31st. Taxes are based on the school’s adopted budget, which is voted on and passed annually in May. The district tax office is responsible for the collection of school taxes for all parcels in the Cazenovia Central School District. All powers and dutites of this office, as well as collection procedures, are statutory and defined in the New York State Real Property Tax Law. Inqui-ries are welcome per-taining to the collection policies and general tax information by contacting Julie Mattina Tax Collector for the district at, or by phone Monday-Thursday between the hours of 3:30 and 5:30 during September and October at 315-655-5376.