Morning Star Publications, Notice of Pesticide Application This is to notify residents that Owen Tree Service H.D., Inc. will be applying herbicides and cutting to designated areas of Consumers Energy Distribution Power Line Right-of-Ways located throughout the county. The applications are scheduled to begin on, August 6, 2015 weather permitting and run through December 1, 2015 – depending on the weather. The applications will use a low volume spray of Garlon 3A (triclopyr) made by Dow AgroSciences, Arsenal AC (isopropylamine salt of imazapyr) made by BASF, Garlon 4Ultra (triclopyr) made by Dow AgroSciences, Stalker (isopropylamine salt of imazapyr) made by BASF and Rodeo (glyphosate) made by Dow AgroSciences. Methods of spray are; backpack, ORV mounted spray unit, or truck mounted spray unit, Re-entry after dry. The specific herbicide used will be determined by the site conditions. Anyone wishing more information can contact Ray Owen or Hope Parker, at the offices of Owen Tree Service HD, Inc., located at 225 N Lake George Rd, Attica MI 48412 or call 810-724-6651. Published August 7, 2015