York Newspaper, NOTICE OF ACTION IN MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA CIVIL ACTION - LAW WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., SBM TO WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE INC. Plaintiff vs. SHAWDELA ANDERSON, in her capacity as Heir of BRADLEY E. ANDERSON, Deceased, SIERRA ANDERSON, in her capacity as Heir of BRADLEY E. ANDERSON, Deceased, UNKNOWN HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS, AND ALL PERSONS, FIRMS, OR ASSOCIATIONS CLAIMING RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST FROM OR UNDER BRADLEY E. ANDERSON, DECEASED Defendants COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CIVIL DIVISION YORK COUNTY No. 2015-SU-001960-06 NOTICE To UNKNOWN HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS, AND ALL PERSONS, FIRMS, OR ASSOCIATIONS CLAIMING RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST FROM OR UNDER BRADLEY E. ANDERSON, DECEASED You are hereby notified that on June 12, 2015, Plaintiff, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., SBM TO WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE INC., filed a Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint endorsed with a Notice to Defend, against you in the Court of Common Pleas of YORK County Pennsylvania, docketed to No. 2015-SU-001960-06. Wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose on the mortgage secured on your property located at 5740 CLEARVIEW ROAD, DOVER, PA 17315-3306 whereupon your property would be sold by the Sheriff of YORK County. You are hereby notified to plead to the above referenced Complaint on or before 20 days from the date of this publication or a Judgment will be entered against you. NOTICE If you wish to defend, you must enter a written appearance personally or by attorney and file your defenses or objections in writing with the court. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you without further notice for the relief requested by the plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS NOTICE TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW. THIS OFFICE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT HIRING A LAWYER. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE A LAWYER, THIS OFFICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER LEGAL SERVICES TO ELIGIBLE PERSONS AT A REDUCED FEE OR NO FEE. Notice to Defend: Lawyer Referral Service York Legal Referral 137 East Market Street York, PA 17401 Telephone (717) 854-8755 x201