North Valley Classifieds, REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Butte-Glenn Community College District is soliciting proposals from qualified vendors for providing services in accordance with the applicable specifications: Request for Proposals # CCCTC-15-03 Help Desk for Student Systems - California Community Colleges The purpose of this RFP is to secure a contract that provides a purchasing and pricing framework which will enable the Butte-Glenn Community College District's CCC Technology Center to purchase Help Desk Services as needed to support the OpenCCC Student Account, CCCApply Application for Admission, Systemwide Student Services Portal, and related California Community College system-wide student services applications. Sealed proposals will be received electronically at the office of the California Community Colleges Technology Center, Butte-Glenn Community College District, through the website until 2:00PM PDT 8/31/2015. The RFP documents may be obtained free of charge through the website or by contacting Tim Calhoon at or 530-879-4091. A Non-Manditory Pre-Proposal Phone Conference, will be conducted at 2:00PM PDT on 8/14/2015 Telephone conference line: 1-913-312-3202 or toll free 1-888-886-3951 Participant Passcode: 604491 The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive any irregularities or informalities that may be legally waived, and to award a contract according to the proposal which best serves the interests of the Butte-Glenn Community College District. Publication Dates: 8/10/2015 and 8/17/2014