Hearst Media Services, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GREATER BRIDGEPORT TRANSIT AUTHORITY Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to Section 7-273f of the Connecticut General Statutes, the Greater Bridgeport Transit Authority will conduct a Public Hearing regarding its Proposed FY 2016 Fixed Route and Paratransit Operating Budgets. The Public Hearing will take place on Monday, June 22, 2015, from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Greater Bridgeport Transit Authority One Cross St, Bridgeport, Connecticut. Copies of the Proposed FY 2016 Fixed Route and Paratransit Operating Budgets will be available at the Public Hearing, but may also be obtained in advance of it during the Transit Authority's regular business hours, Monday through Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., by contacting: Adrienne I Belanger Director of Finance Tel. (203) 366-7070 x110 E-Mail: abelanger@gogbt.com Individuals unable to attend the Public Hearing, but who wish to make comment, may do so in writing by forwarding such comments to the Director of Finance at the above address.