NWsource, CITY OF DUVALL: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING, CITY OF DUVALL WATERSHED PLAN, AUGUST 19 AND SEPTEMBER 1, 2015. The City of Duvall Planning Commission and City Council will each hold a public hearing for the City of Duvall Watershed Plan. The Watershed Plan is based on a detailed characterization of Duvalls subbasins, using methods established by the Washington State Department of Ecology Puget Sound Watershed Characterization. Geology, soils, hydrology, precipitation, topography, land cover, and other environmental information were evaluated during the preparation of the Watershed Plan in order to report on the condition of the landscape, develop recommendations, and support decisions regarding future land use, sensitive areas, and stormwater planning management within the City of Duvall. Environmental analysis provided in the Watershed Plan is informing the Citys 2015 Comprehensive Plan update. The Watershed Plan will be adopted by reference within the updated Comprehensive Plan. PLANNING COMMISSION: Wednesday, August 19, 2015, at 7:00 PM in the Duvall Visitor Center, 15619 Main Street. Planning Commission may take action after the hearing. CITY COUNCIL: Tuesday, September 1, 2015, at 7:00 PM at the Riverview School District building, 15510 1st Ave NE. City Council may take action after the public hearing. The Planning Commission will take public testimony and make a recommendation to City Council. The City Council will take public testimony and is the decision-maker. APPLICANT: City of Duvall, PO Box 1300, Duvall WA 98019. PROJECT PLANNER: Lara Thomas, Planning Director, PO Box 1300, Duvall WA 98019, (425) 788-2779, lara.thomas@duvallwa.gov. Copies of all application documents are available for review at City Hall. In addition, a copy of the staff report will be available seven days prior to the Hearing. All interested parties may appear and provide testimony to the above proposal at the Public Hearing. Written comments regarding this proposal will be accepted up to and at the Public Hearing. Comments should be addressed to the Planning Department at the address shown above. Contact the Planning Department for appeal procedures. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL THE PROJECT PLANNER.