Pioneer Press - Twin Cities, Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Budget Capitol Region Watershed District for the Year 2016 A Public Hearing on the proposed year 2016 budget will be held by the Board of Managers of the Capitol Region Watershed District on Wed., Aug. 19, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at 1410 Energy Park Drive, Suite 4, St. Paul, MN. All persons interested and affected thereby may appear and be heard at this time. A summary of the proposed budget is as follows: Expenditures Administration $ 438,950 Programs $1,888,149 Projects $ 881,211 Capital Improvement Program $5,768,556 Total $8,976,866 Revenue Tax Levy $4,273,366 Bond Proceeds $3,500,000 Grants $ 360,000 Fund Balance $ 640,000 Intergovernmental $ 182,500 Fees, misc. $ 21,000 Total $8,976,866 A detailed breakdown of the proposed budget is available for public review at the Capitol Region Watershed District office as well as the District's website at www. For more information, contact the Watershed office at 651-644-8888 or see the District's website at http://www. capitol