Front Range Classifieds, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING COMMISSION TOWN OF ERIE Notice is hereby given that on the 2nd day of the month of September, 2015, at 6:30 PM, or as soon as possible thereafter, in the Town Hall, 645 Holbrook, Erie, Colorado, or at such place and time as the hearing may be adjourned to, a PUBLIC HEARING will be held upon the application made by EnCana Oil and Gas USA, Inc. for the purpose of considering a Special Review Use and Site Plan for the EnCana Morgan Hills Wells pursuant to the Codes of the Town of Erie and applicable State Statutes. The affected property is located at the Southwest Corner of WCR 3 and WCR 12. The legal description of the property is: A Portion Of The Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7, T1N, R68W Of The 6th P.M., Town Of Erie, County Of Weld, State Of Colorado. The application is on file with the Town of Erie. Interested and affected parties are encouraged to attend. The Planning Commission will be taking comments prior to making a determination or taking any action on this matter. /s/ Hallie S. Sawyer Planning Secretary FOR QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS, CONTACT TOWN OF ERIE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 750 ERIE, COLORADO 80516 PHONE: (303) 926-2770 Published: Colorado Hometown Weekly, August 12, 2015-5653340