Morning Star Publications, Coe Township Planning Commission Notice of Public Hearing Date of Hearing: Wednesday, September 2, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Place of Hearing: Coe Township Hall, 309 W. Wright Ave., Shepherd, MI 48883 PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Coe Township County Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on the following: Zoning Amendment: An ordinance to amend the Coe Township Zon- ing Ordinance Section 1408(6) Refuse Containers. This amendment will provide standards for refuse containers other than single-family and two-family uses. The public is invited to attend and present their comments on the request. You may submit your views in person or in writing. The request and pertaining material may be reviewed at and written comments will be received at the Isabella County Department of Community Development, 200 N. Main St., Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., or call (989) 317-4061. Should anyone wishing to attend this meeting require any special accommodations due to a physical disability or limitation, please contact the Community Development Director at the number above in advance of the public hearing so that appropriate accommodations can be arranged. Timothy A Nieporte Isabella County, Community Development Director Published August 16, 2015