Hearst Media Services, CITY OF SHELTON SHELTON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION LEGAL NOTICE At a regular meeting of the Shelton Planning and Zoning Commission held on June 9, 2015, Shelton City Hall, 54 Hill Street, Shelton, CT the following actions were taken: 1. Approved Applications for Certificate of Zoning Compliance #0338, #0244, #0243, #0335, #0321, #0279, #0340, #0262, #0347, and #0354. 2. Tabled Appl. for Certificate of Zoning Compliance #0350 and #0008. 3. Added to the agenda Appl. for Certificate of Zoning Compliance #0350, #0347 and #0354. 4. Added to the Agenda Appl. #15-08 5. Reported favorably: 8-24 Referral for extension of public water for 8 thru 16 Cedarwood Lane. 6. Authorized legal action for 11 Elizabeth Street 7. Authorized extension of hours for the White Hills Flying Club. 8. Accepted and scheduled public hearing on 6/30/15 for Appl. #15-08, Petition to Modify the Statement of Uses and Standards for PDD #70, 405-407 Bridgeport Avenue, 714,LLC 9. Authorized Staff to initiate the rezoning of property located at 594 River Rd. from PDD #22 to R-1. Ruth Parkins, Chairman Virginia Harger, Secretary