NWsource, KING COUNTY DEPT. OF PERMITTING ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW (DPER) 35030 SE Douglas St., Ste. 210, Snoqualmie WA 98065-9266 NOTICE OF PERMIT APPLICATIONS REQUEST(S): Critical Areas Alteration Exception File(s) CAEX15-0001 Applicant: James Dwyer Site location: Lot 270, Lake Marcel #2, NE 111th Pl Carnation Proposal: Construct S/F residence, driveway assoc. drainfield within the aquatic area buffer Project Manager: Kim Claussen 206-477-0329 COMMENT PROCEDURES: DPER will issue a decision on this application following a 21 day comment period ending on September 14, 2015, written comments and additional information can be obtained by contacting the Project Manager listed above. Published this 19th day of August 2015