NWsource, City of Bothell Notice of Application Final Plat Issue date: August 19, 2015 End of comment period 5:00 PM on September 9, 2015 This comment period deadline is the date before which the city will not make additional or further decisions regarding this application. The City is not required to make any decision immediately following this date, but could if all necessary information is properly represented in the case file. You are welcome to submit comment after this date. In this case, the next subsequent decision or recommendation is: recommendation on Final Plat to Hearing Examiner. PROPOSAL: Final plat; Toscana Subdivision. APPLICANT: KLN Construction, Inc. 19000 33rd Ave W, Suite 200 Lynnwood, WA 98036 CASE #: SUB2015-06911. HEARING INFORMATION: Closed Record Review before Hearing Examiner, to be noticed separately. LOCATION OF PROJECT: 909 232nd Street SE. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Toscana is a 23-lot single family residential subdivision of an 8.27 acre site zoned R 5,400d and R 9,600. Other permit applications pending with this application: None. Other permits approved or required, but not included with this application: Preliminary plat, grading, utilities and rights-of-way permits to construct subdivision. Special studies requested of the applicant at this time (RCW 36.70B.070): None. Existing documents that evaluate the impacts of the proposed project: SEPA Environmental Checklist, Mitigated Determination of Non Significance, Critical Area, Geotechnical, Downstream Impact, Traffic reports. Application received: July 22, 2015 Date of notice of complete application: July 22, 2015 A preliminary determination of consistency has not been made at the time of this notice. The following applicable development regulations will be used for project consistency review: Bothell Municipal Code Titles: 11-Administration, 12-Zoning, 14-Environment, City of Bothell Design and Construction Standards and Specifications, Imagine Bothell...Comprehensive Plan. Every person has the right to comment on this project by submitting those comments in writing to Jeff Smith, Senior Planner at the Department of Community Development within the comment period identified above. Those who may wish to receive notice of and participate in any hearings, and/or request a copy of the decision once made and any appeal rights may also submit such requests to the Department of Community Development. Project files, plans and documents are available for viewing and/or copying (at the requestors cost) and are located at the Department of Community Development, Dawson Building, 9654 NE 182 Street, 98011. Please phone (425) 486-8152 and arrange a time to view these documents prior to your visitation to the Department.