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emerald coast marketplace, 8/1112 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO. 572013CA001145CAAXMX NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC, Plaintiff, vs. JARRED TAYLOR A/K/A JARRED K. TAYLOR AND JENNIFER LYNELL RINGENER A/K/A JENNIFER L. RINGENER A/K/A J, et al. Defendant(s). NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated July 22, 2015, and entered in 572013CA001145CAAXMX of the Circuit Court of the FIRST Judicial Circuit in and for Santa Rosa County, Florida, wherein NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC is the Plaintiff and JARRED TAYLOR A/K/A JARRED K. TAYLOR; JENNIFER LYNELL RINGENER A/K/A JENNIFER L. RINGENER A/K/A JENNIFER RINGENER F/K/A JENNIFER TAYLOR A/K/A JENNIFER L. TAYLOR A/K/A JENNIFER LYNELL TAYLOR; HOLLEY BY THE SEA IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, INC.; UNKNOWN TENANT #1; UNKNOWN TENANT #2; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JARRED TAYLOR A/K/A JARRED K. TAYLOR; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JENNIFER LYNELL RINGENER A/K/A JENNIFER L. RINGENER A/K/A JENNIFER RINGENER F/K/A JENNIFER TAYLOR A/K/A JENNIFER L. TAYLOR A/K/A JENNIFER LYNELL TAYLOR are the Defendant(s). Donald C. Spencer as the Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at www.santarosa.realforeclose.com, at 11:00 AM, on September 17, 2015, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 2, BLOCK A, PALMETTO RIDGE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK E, PAGE 54, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. Dated this 17 day of August, 2015. ROBERTSON, ANSCHUTZ & SCHNEID, P.L. Attorney for Plaintiff 6409 Congress Ave., Suite 100 Boca Raton, FL 33487 Telephone: 561-241-6901 Facsimile: 561-997-6909 Service Email: mail@rasflaw.com By: Ryan Waton Ryan Waton, Esquire Florida Bar No. 109314 Communication Email: RWaton@rasflaw.com IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact: Court Administration, ADA Liaison Santa Rosa County 6865 Caroline Street, Milton, FL 32570 Phone (850) 623-3159 Fax (850) 983-0602 ADA.SantaRosa@flcourts1.gov at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 8/22 & 8/29/2015 8/1112

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