The Oakland Press, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS TRAFFIC-SAFETY PROJECT ROAD COMMISSION FOR OAKLAND COUNTY BEVERLY HILLS, MICHIGAN Sealed proposals will be received at the Beverly Hills office, 31001 Lahser Road, Beverly Hills, Michigan 48025, until 11:00 a.m., local time, Tuesday, September 15, 2015, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. • Project No.972016; County-Wide Traffic Signal Underground A contract to furnish and install traffic signal underground work including conduit, foundations, hand holes, bolts, wiring, associated devices, and other miscellaneous related items of work at various locations in Oakland County, MI MDOT pre-qualification classification is L80. When M.D.O.T. prequalification is required, a bidder, at the time the bidder submits the bid, must have proper classification and numerical rating for the work on which the bidder proposes to bid. The bidder must be fully capable of performing the work both financially and with experience in the type of work. Bid deposit amount and project description, including approximate materials and quantities for the project, are available at “Doing Business with RCOC” tab/Construction Projects. Reduced size plans only: $25.00 if picked up; $30.00 if mailed. Fees are non-refundable. Only those bid proposal forms issued by the Engineering Department may be used for bidding. Bid submission envelopes must be sealed and plainly marked as to their contents. Board reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or to waive defects and to accept the proposals that in the opinion of the Board are in the best interest of and to the advantage of the Board of County Road Commissioners, of the County of Oakland, Michigan. BOARD OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS for Oakland County, Michigan By: Dennis G. Kolar, P.E., Managing Director