Hearst Media Services, CITY OF BRIDGEPORT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 6:00pm A public hearing will be held in the City Hall Common Council Chambers, 45 Lyon Terrace, Bridgeport, CT relative to the following: D-1 (#4) (908)-910 Wood Ave. - Petition of VBCI Bridgeport Ministries, Inc - Seeking variances of the maximum site coverage and minimum landscaping requirements of Sec. 6-1-3 and waive all 20 (twenty) of the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required under Sec. 11-1-2 to permit the establishment of a community facility in conjunction with a New York state religious organization in the existing commercial building in an OR zone. #1 71-73 Morehouse St. - Petition of Robert Jantz-Sell - Appealing under Sec. 14-10 of the Zoning Regulations of the City of Bridgeport and Sec. 8-7 of the CT General Statutes whereby it is alleged that the Zoning Enforcement Officer erred in his issuance of an Order to Comply regarding the establishment of a residential apartment above an existing two-car garage in an R-B zone. #2 269 Fairfield Ave. - Petition of 277 Fairfield Avenue, LLC - Seeking a variance of Sec. 12-10 to permit the establishment of an outdoor dining patio use and the issuance of a patio liquor permit in conjunction with the existing full-service restaurant in the DVD-CORE zone. #3 284 Madison Ave. - Petition of Doreth Mckenzie - Seeking to waive the minimum number of off-street parking spaces under Sec. 11-1-2 to permit the construction of a 280 sq. ft., 1-story addition to the existing commercial building on a nonconforming lot in an R-C zone. #4 1955 Boston Ave. - Petition of Saltamontes Tire Company - Seeking a use variance under Sec. 6-1-2 and also seeking a variance of Table 7 relating to the tire mounting, balancing and installation on passenger's vehicles, as well as the establishment of a road service business, including the parking of service vehicles in the existing commercial building in an OR zone. The applications and plans for the above described matters are on file in the Zoning Department, Room 210, 45 Lyon Terrace and may be inspected Monday through Friday during office hours, 9am-5pm (closed 12-1pm). This notice has also been filed in the City Clerk's office. ATTEST: LINDA GRACE, ACTING CHAIRPERSON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS CITY OF BRIDGEPORT