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Times Union, SOUTH COLONIE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2015 I. ANALYSIS OF GENERAL FUND BALANCE A909 FUND BALANCE - July 1, 2014 $8,857,485 Auditor's Adjusting Entries (1,720) ADD: A980 REVENUES Real Property Tax $61,534,162 Other Items 8,447,087 Charges for Services 1,501,687 Use of Money and Property 152,065 Sale of property and Compensation for Loss 6,034 Miscellaneous 499,202 Revenue from State Sources 20,987,442 Revenue from Federal Sources 143,371 Sub Total $93,271,050 LESS: A522 EXPENDITURES General Support 7,433,285 Instruction 49,040,296 Pupil Transportation 3,549,226 Community Services 452,054 Undistributed 30,776,397 Interfund Transfers 490,000 $91,741,258 Restricted Fund Balance 4,349,159 Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance 2,070,000 Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance 119,972 Unassigned Fund Balance 3,846,426 TOTAL FUND BALANCE - June 30, 2015 $10,385,557 II. ANALYSIS OF SCHOOL LUNCH BALANCE FUND BALANCE - July 1, 2014 $299,315 ADD: Revenue from Sales $1,010,526 All other Revenues 1,082,706 2,093,232 Sub Total $2,392,547 LESS: Value of Food Sold 635,777 All other Expenses 1,317,006 1,952,783 FUND BALANCE - June 30, 2015 $439,764 III. STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES - SPECIAL AID FUND (14-15) EXPENDITURES REVENUE Instruction $4,090,097 Local Sources 56,604 Pupil Transportation 77,721 State Sources 1,322,271 Operation of Plant 0 Federal Sources 2,647,224 Interfund Transfers 0 InterfundTransfers 140,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $4,167,818 TOTAL REVENUE $4,166,099 IV. SPECIAL AID FUND BALANCE SHEET (6/30/15) Cash 325,449 Accounts Receivable 5,050 Due from Other Funds 22,173 Due from State and Federal 1,387,930 TOTAL ASSETS $1,740,602 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Accounts Payable 95,909 Accrued Liabilities 1,224 Due to Other Funds 1,296,190 Deferred Revenue 347,279 TOTAL LIABILITIES $1,740,602 FUND BALANCE 0 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $1,740,602 V. CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET (6/30/15) Cash $976,246 Due From Other Funds 0 Due from State and Federal 0 TOTAL ASSETS $976,246 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Bond Anticipation Notes Payable $1,310,878 Accounts Payable 160,041 Due to Other Funds 300,002 TOTAL LIABILITIES $1,770,921 ASSIGNED FUND BALANCE 572,446 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE ($1,367,121) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $976,246 VI. ANALYSIS OF EXPENDABLE TRUST BALANCE - July 1, 2014 $120,809 ADD: Receipts of Cash & Securities $55,605 Subtotal, Balance and Receipts $176,414 LESS: Disbursements of Cash and Securities $63,491 BALANCE - June 30, 2015 $112,923 VII. ANALYSIS OF DEBT SERVICE FUND BALANCE - July 1, 2014 $0 ADD: Revenues $0 Subtotal $0 LESS: Expenditures $0 BALANCE - June 30, 2015 $0 VIII. STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSET ACCOUNTS (6/30/15) Sites $1,992,456 Buildings 92,703,603 Equipment 6,589,949 Construction Work in Progress 0 Vehicles 6,792,925 TOTAL GENERAL FIXED ASSETS LESS DEPRECIATION $108,078,933 IX. STATEMENT OF CAPITAL INDEBTEDNESS ACCOUNTS (6/30/15) Interest Payable on Serial Bonds $3,726,156 Serial Bonds Payable 21,775,000 Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) 36,700,753 Compensated Absences 1,100,090 TOTAL CAPITAL INDEBTEDNESS $63,301,999 The full text of the Annual Financial Report, in the form filed with the State Education Department, is available for public inspection at the District Offices, 102 Loralee Drive, Albany, New York 12205 during regular business hours. TU 1t (832701)

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