Hearst Media Services, LEGAL NOTICE LOTTERY TO DETERMINE ORDER ON ELECTION BALLOT OF NAMES OF CANDIDATES FOR MULTIPLE-OPENING OFFICE As per the Connecticut Secretary of State's office, this is the NOTICE OF LOTTERY to determine the order of names for multiple-opening office. The Registrar of Voter's office of the Town of New Milford will hold a public lottery to determine horizontal order of such names within a row on election ballot pursuant to Connecticut General Statues (CGS) sec. 9-253 and 9-453R The lottery will be held on Thursday, September 3, 2015 in the Loretta Brickley conference room, lower level New Milford Town Hall at 5:00 PM. The public, the press and candidates are all invited to attend, to witness and to participate. Eleanor Florio Marcel Grenier Republican Registrar of Voters Democratic Registrar of Voters