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Notice of Public HearingsNew Mexico DRAFT 2016 Annual Action Plan The New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority...

Farmington Daily-Times, Notice of Public HearingsNew Mexico DRAFT 2016 Annual Action Plan The New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA) and the Department of Finance and Administration, Local Government Division (DFA) are seeking public comment on the DRAFT State of New Mexico 2016 Annual Action Plan. A thirty day public-examination and comment period will begin on September 14, 2015 and end on October 14, 2015. The 2016 Annual Action Plan is the second annual implementation plan under the State of New Mexico 2015-2020 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development. The Consolidated Plan is a five-year strategic plan that governs the administration of federal funding appropriated for housing and community development activities that benefit persons of low- and moderate- income persons throughout the State of New Mexico. Such federal funding includes the following programs; HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA). The 2016 Annual Action Plan outlines one year goals for approximately $15.14 million of the federal funding, through the four federal programs listed. The HOME, ESG and HOPWA programs are administered by the MFA and the CDBG program is administered by DFA. Citizens, interested agencies, and for-profit and non-profit organizations may attend either of the two (2) Public Hearings at these locations or via webcast at www.housingnm.org to provide their input in person and provide comments. September 14, 2015, 10:00 amNew Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA)Board Room344 4th Street SWAlbuquerque, NM 87102September 28, 2015, 2:00 pmNew Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA) Board Room344 4th Street SWAlbuquerque, NM 87102Written comments and any questions may be sent to Debbie Davis, Programs & Initiatives Manager, New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority, 344 4th Street SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102 or ddavis@housingnm.org through the close of business on October 15, 2015. All comments received will be responded to in the final version of the 2016 Annual Action Plan. Copies of the Draft 2016 Annual Action Plan will be available for review on the MFA website at http://www.housingnm.org/resources/new-mexico-annual-action-plan or on DFA's website http://www.nmdfa.state.nm.us/Local_Government.aspx beginning September 14, 2015. Printed copies will be made available upon request at:New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority344 4th Street SWAlbuquerque, NM 87102State of New Mexico Department of Finance and AdministrationLocal Government DivisionBataan Memorial Building, Suite 202Santa Fe, NM 87501MFA and DFA programs are administered in a nondiscriminatory manner, consistent with equal employment opportunities, affirmative action, and fair housing requirements. Questions, concerns, complaints or requests for information in alternative formats must be directed to the ADA (504) Coordinator, Debbie Davis, at 800-444-6880, or dial 7-1-1 to use Hamilton Relay in New Mexico. Locations for the public hearings are handicapped accessible.------------------------------------------------------------- Notificación de Audiencias PúblicasNuevo México PROYECTO Plan de Acción Anual 2016 New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA) y el Department of Finance and Administration, Local Government Division (DFA) están buscando comentarios públicos sobre el plan preliminar del Plan de Acción Anual 2016 del Estado de Nuevo México. Un período de treinta días de examen público y comentario comenzará el 14 de septiembre, 2015 y termina el 14 de octubre de 2015. El Plan de Acción Anual 2016 es el segundo plan de ejecución anual en el marco del Estado de Nuevo México 2015-2020 Plan Consolidado de Vivienda y Comunidad Desarrollo. El Plan Consolidado es un plan estratégico de cinco años que gobierna la administración de fondos federales asignados para actividades de vivienda y desarrollo comunitario en beneficio de personas de ingresos bajos y moderados en todo el Estado de Nuevo México.Esta financiación federal incluye los siguientes programas; Asociaciones para Inversión en Vivienda (HOME)/HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Beca de Desarrollo Comunitario/Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Soluciones de Subvenciones de Emergencia/Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), y Oportunidades de Vivienda para Personas con SIDA/Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA). El Plan de Acción Anual 2016 esboza metas anuales de aproximadamente $15.14 millón de fondos federales, a través de los cuatro programas federales mencionados. Los programas HOME, ESG y HOPWA son administrados por la MFA y el programa CDBG es administrado por DFA.Ciudadanos, agencias interesadas y organizaciones con fines de lucro y sin fines de lucro pueden asistir a cualquiera de las dos (2) audiencias públicas en estos lugares o a través de webcast en www.housingnm.org para ofrecer su aportación en persona y proporcionar comentarios.September 14, 2015, 10:00 amNew Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA)Board Room344 4th Street SWAlbuquerque, NM 87102September 28, 2015, 2:00 pmNew Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA)Board Room344 4th Street SWAlbuquerque, NM 87102Los comentarios escritos pueden enviarse a Debbie Davis, Directora de Programas e Iniciativas, New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority, 344 4th Street SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102 o ddavis@housingnm.org antes del cierre de las operaciones el 15 de octubre de 2015. Todos los comentarios recibidos serán respondidos en la versión final del Plan de Acción Anual 2016. Copias del plan preliminar del Plan de Acción Anual de 2016 estarán disponibles para su revisión en el sitio web del MFA en http://www.housingnm.org/resources /new-mexico-annual-action-plan, o en la página web de DFA (http://www.nmdfa.state.nm.us/L ocal_Government.aspx) a partir de Septiembre 14, 2015. Las copias impresas estarán disponibles bajo petición:New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority344 4th Street SWAlbuquerque, NM 87102State of New Mexico Department of Finance and AdministrationLocal Government DivisionBataan Memorial Building, Suite 202Santa Fe, NM 87501Programas de MFA y DFA se administran de una manera no discriminatoria, de conformidad con la igualdad de oportunidades de empleo, la acción afirmativa, y los requisitos de equidad de vivienda. Preguntas, inquietudes, quejas o peticiones de información en formatos alternativos deben ser dirigidas al coordinador de ADA, Debbie Davis, al 800-444-6880, o marque 7-1-1 para utilizar Hamilton Relay en Nuevo México. Los lugares de las audiencias públicas tienen acceso para discapacitadas.Legal No. 71878 published in The Daily Times on August 30, 2015.

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