Hearst Media Services, REPRESENTATIVE TOWN MEETING TOWN OF DARIEN, CT WARNING A Special Meeting of the Darien Representative Town Meeting will be held on Monday June 22, 2015, at 8:00 P.M, at the Darien Town Hall, 2 Renshaw Road, Darien, Connecticut. AGENDA: 1. Call to Order 2. Acceptance of the Agenda 3. Announcements 4. (15-17) Consideration and action on agreement between the Town of Darien and the Town Hall Employee Union The Meeting is public and subject to the Rules of Procedure of the Representative Town Meeting and Robert's Rules of Order, Revised. Any elector of the Town may speak at the Meeting, but only Town Meeting Members are authorized to vote. The full text of resolutions is available in the Town Clerk's office and online at Darien's website, darienct.gov. Sarah C. Seelye, Moderator Seth W. Morton, Clerk Darien, Connecticut June 10, 2015