Times Union, NOTICE TO BIDDERS DORMITORY AUTHORITY STATE OF NEW YORK ("DASNY") State University of New York at Albany Upgrade Elevators in Eastman, Stuvesant & Livingston Towers CR 3 Project Number 3259409999 Sealed bids for the above work located at SUNY Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12222 will be received by DASNY at its office located at 515 Broadway, Albany, NY 12207. Each bid must be identified, on the outside of the envelope, with the name and address of the bidder and designated a bid for the project titled above. When a sealed bid is placed inside another delivery jacket, the bid delivery jacket must be clearly marked on the outside "BID ENCLOSED" and "ATTENTION: CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS." DASNY will not be responsible for receipt of bids which do not comply with these instructions. Individuals submitting bids in person or by private delivery services should allow sufficient time for processing through building security to assure that bids are received prior to the deadline for submitting bids. All individuals who plan to attend bid openings will be required to present government-issued picture identification to building security officials and obtain a visitors pass prior to attending the bid opening. Only those bids in the hands of DASNY, available to be read at 2:00 PM local time on October 1, 2015 will be considered. Bids shall be publicly opened and read aloud. Bid results can be viewed at DASNY's website; http://www.dasny.org. In accordance with State Finance Law ? 139-j and ? 139-k, this solicitation includes and imposes certain restrictions on communications between DASNY personnel and a prospective bidder during the procurement process. Designated staff for this solicitation is: Mr. Sam Gleason, DASNY Upstate Construction, 515 Broadway, Albany, New York 12227 (518)257-3283 and DASNY at ccontracts@dasny.org. Contacts made to other DASNY personnel regarding this procurement may disqualify the prospective bidder and affect future procurements with governmental entities in the State of New York. For more information pursuant to this law, refer to DASNY's website; http://www.dasny.org or the OGS website; http://www.ogs.state.ny.us. A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 10:00 AM, SUNY Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12222, DASNY Field Trailer. Contact Mr. Sam Gleason (518) 257-3283. All prospective bidders are strongly encouraged to attend. A complete set of Bid Documents may be obtained from Camelot Print and Copy Center Bid Department, 100 Fuller Road, Albany, NY 12205. To view the contract documents online, click the following link: www.teamcamelot.com or type it into your web browser. Once online, click the link for "Log into Planwell" and then click on "Public Planroom". Click on DASNY Project 3259409999, CR#3 and begin viewing the project documents. To order a CD of the project and be placed on the bidder's list, please make your non-refundable check in the amount of $15.00 payable to Camelot Print and Copy Center. Printed sets are available at the bidder's expense from Camelot. Printed sets are non-refundable and non-returnable. Please call Camelot's Bid Department at (518) 435-9696 or email them at camelotbids@teamcamelot.com for more information. Please provide the following information along with your payment for printed sets: Company Name Company Address (street address is preferable over a PO Box) Company Contact Company Phone Number Company Email (for communications including addendum notification) Company Fax number FedEx or UPS shipping account number If you do not have a shipping account, please send an additional non-refundable check for $20 payable to Camelot Print and Copy Center. Only those Contract Documents obtained in this manner will enable a prospective bidder to be identified as an official plan holder of record. DASNY takes no responsibility for the completeness of Contract Documents obtained from other sources. Contract Documents obtained from other sources may not be accurate or may not contain addenda that may have been issued. The plan holders list and a list of interested subcontractors and material suppliers may be viewed at DASNY's website: http://www.dasny.org. For Bid Opportunities and other DASNY related news, follow us on Twitter @NYS_DASNY and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/DASNY-Dormitor-Authority-of-the-State-of-New-York/307274192739368. For the convenience of prospective bidders, subcontractors and material suppliers, the Contract Documents will be displayed at the following locations: Dodge Data & Analytics 3315 Central Avenue Hot Springs, AR 71901 Contact: Kelly O'Connor kelly.oconnor@construction.com Ph: (518) 269-7735 No Fax number Minority Assoc. of the Cap District Gomez Electrical Contractors Inc. 251 North Pearl Street Albany, NY 12207 Contact: Joseph Gomez, President Ph: (518) 427-8365 Fax: (518) 427-8366 Email: jagomez513@aol.com Contact information for hard copy distribution Construction Journal Jason Debish 400 SW 7th St. Stuart, FL 34994 Contact information after documents have been issued Melissa Lapierre Phone: 802-658-3797 ext 525 Fax: 802-862-4926 M.LaPierre@constructionjournal.com Construction Market Data Attn: Production 30 Technology Parkway S. Suite 500 Norcross, GA 30092 Email: randi.nurse@reedbusiness.com Contact: Randella Elston Ph: (770) 209-3376 Minority Contractors Tech. Assoc. 818 Albany Street Email: mctap12307@gmail.com Ph: (518) 372-4409 Fax: (518) 372-5143 Schenectady, NY 12307 Eastern Contractors Association 6 Airline Drive Albany, NY 12205 Contact: Judy Ploof Email: judyp@ecainc.org Fax: (518) 869-2378 Ph: (518) 869-0961 MCTAP 818 Albany St. Schenectady, New York 12307 mctap12307@gmail.com Gerrard P. Bushell, President & CEO August 31, 2015