Hearst Media Services, LEGAL NOTICE CITY OF SHELTON TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The following having applied to the Shelton Board of Zoning Appeals for certificate of approval, public hearing on such applications will be held on Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 7:30 p.m., in the hearing room of the Municipal Building, 54 Hill Street, Shelton, CT: 1. #815-01 11 Golec Avenue, Peter and Kim Statkevich of 11 Golec Avenue, Shelton, CT for a waiver to Section 23, Schedule B, Line 8 by varying the minimum setback from the rear property line from 25 feet to 8 feet and a waiver to Section 23, Schedule B, Line 11 by varying the maximum lot coverage from 25% to 42%. 2. #815-02 Pochong Trail Lot 1, Gary Todice of 115 Yukata Trail, Shelton, CT for a waiver to Section 24, Schedule B Line 7 by varying the minimum setback from the street line from 30 feet to 20 feet and a waiver to Section 24, Schedule B Line 9 by varying the minimum setback from the left side line from 15 feet to 10 feet. 3. #815-03 6 Pochong Trail, Gary Todice of 115 Yukata Trail, Shelton, CT for a waiver to Section 24, Schedule B, Line 7 by varying the minimum setback from street line from 30 feet to 20 feet. 4. #715-2 61 Indian Well Road, Michael Walker of 55 Sintsink Drive, Port Washington, New York for a waiver to Section 5, Line 3 of PDD Statement of Uses and Standards by varying the minimum setback from the right side line from 5 feet to 1.40 feet and the minimum setback from the left side line from 5 feet to 3feet. 5. #715-3 31 Wakeley Street, John Dobkowski of 31 Wakeley Street for a waiver to Section 24, Line 8 by varying the minimum setback from the rear property line from 25 feet to 10 feet and a waiver to Section 24.4.11 by varying the minimum setback from the right side line (Two House Lane) from 15 feet to 10 feet.