Hearst Media Services, Request for Proposals Architectural Services for Additions and Alterations with Safety Improvements at the Danbury High School Complex Bid No. 05-14-15-04 City Project No. 14-18 The City of Danbury is inviting the submission of bid proposals from qualified architectural firms for services related to the design and construction of Additions and Alterations with Safety Improvements at the Danbury High School Complex. Copies of the scope of work can be obtained from the office of the City of Danbury Purchasing Agent. Interested firms are requested to submit five (5) original copies of bid proposals and requested information to the office of the Purchasing Agent, 155 Deer Hill Avenue, Danbury, CT 06810 during normal office hours by no later than 2:00 P.M. on July 16, 2015. Envelopes are to be marked: "Proposals - Architectural Services for Additions and Alterations with Safety Improvements at the Danbury High School Complex Bid No. 05-14-15-04" Charles J. Volpe, Jr. Purchasing Agent City of Danbury Dated: June 24, 2015