Denver Post, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR REZONING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, will hold a public hearing on a proposed rezoning of certain property within Jefferson County, Colorado, in Hearing Room 1 at 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado, on July 8, 2015 (which has been continued from May 27, 2015) at 6:15 p.m. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado will hold a public hearing on a proposed rezoning of certain property within Jefferson County, Colorado, in Hearing Room 1 at 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado, on August 4, 2015 (which has been continued from June 23, 2015) at 8:00 a.m. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said public hearings may be continued from time to time without further notice. Said proposed rezoning is Case No.15-102371RZ/WESTGOLD MEADOWS OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT 2, which proposes to rezone from a Planned Development which allows only commercial uses, to a Planned Development allowing multi-family units for senior housing. Said property is generally located at: 11601 W. Bowles Avenue and PIN 59-174-00-011, which contains approximately 8.45 acres. 15-102371RZ that the text and/or maps relating to the above referenced rezoning and any text and/or maps so certified by the Jefferson County Planning Commission may be examined in the offices of the Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Division, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 3550, Golden, Colorado between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. during any working day. PLANNING COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO /s/ Tim Rogers, Chairman BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO Published June 25, 2015 /s/ Casey Tighe, Chairman