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New Mexico Environment Department - Ground Water Quality BureauNotice is hereby given pursuant to...

Las Cruces Sun News, New Mexico Environment Department - Ground Water Quality BureauNotice is hereby given pursuant to NMAC, the following Ground Water Discharge Permit applications have been proposed for approval. To request additional information or to obtain a copy of a draft permit, contact the Ground Water Quality Bureau in Santa Fe at (505) 827-2900. Draft permits may also be viewed on-line at http://www.nmenv.state.nm.us/gwb/NMED-GWQB-PublicNotice.htm DP-504, Summerwind Associates Mobile Home Park, LLC (permittee) and Don Dusatko (owner) proposes to renew the Discharge Permit for the discharge of up to 49,500 gallons per day (gpd) of domestic wastewater is received and treated using an activated sludge treatment system. Treated wastewater is discharged to a 17-acre alfalfa field via flood irrigation or to two leachfields. Reclaimed wastewater flows from the treatment system into a 4,400 gallon holding tank prior to being discharged to the alfalfa field. During times when irrigation cannot occur, treated wastewater is discharged to the two leachfields. The facility is located at 4801 S. Main, of Las Cruces, in Section 4, Township 24S, Range 2E, Doña Ana County. Ground water most likely to be affected is at a depth of approximately 30 feet and has a total dissolved solids concentration of approximately 650 milligrams per liter. NMED permit contact: Steve Huddleson at (505)827-2936 or steven.huddleson@state.nm.us DP-1076, Santa Teresa Wastewater Treatment Facility, Kurt Moffatt, Utilities Director, proposes to renew the Discharge Permit for the discharge of up to 6.5 million gallons per day of treated domestic wastewater. Potential contaminants associated with this type of discharge include nitrogen compounds. The facility is located at 5540 McNutt Road, Santa Teresa in Section 22, Township 28S, Range 3E, Doña Ana County. Ground water beneath the site is at a depth of approximately 10 feet and has a total dissolved solids concentration of approximately 900 milligrams per liter. NMED permit contact: Russell Isaac at (505)827-2978 or russell.isaac@state.nm.us DP-1355, HORVAC Environmental, Ruben Gallegos, Owner, proposes to renew the Discharge Permit for the discharge of up to 25,000 gallons per day (gpd) of domestic septage, 40,000 gpd of domestic wastewater treatment facility sludge, 40,000 gpd of food-related grease trap/interceptor waste, and 25,000 gpd of miscellaneous food processing wastes to a 99-acre landfarm disposal facility. Potential contaminants associated with this type of discharge include nitrogen compounds. The facility is located 0.9 miles north of the intersection of Road B004 and Road B007, approximately 19.25 miles southwest of Las Cruces, in Section 4, Township 26S, Range 01W, Doña Ana County. Ground water beneath the site is at a depth of approximately 384 feet and has a total dissolved solids concentration of approximately 1,190 milligrams per liter. NMED permit contact: Gerald Knutson at (505)827-2996 or gerald.knutson@state.nm.us DP-1832, Chaparral New Elementary School, Alfredo Holguin, Director of Physical Plant, proposes to receive, treat and discharge up to 12,000 gallons per day of domestic wastewater received and treated using a dual compartment 18,000-gallon septic tank followed by a 12,000-gallon recirculation tank. The recirculation tank doses the effluent to a recirculating sand filter that discharges to either the initial septic tank for denitrification or to the disposal lift station. Final effluent is discharged to a 0.64 acre subsurface drip dispersal system or to a 0.15 acre leachfield. Potential contaminants associated with this type of discharge include nitrogen compounds. The facility is located at 580 Angelina Blvd, Chaparral, in Section 31, Township 26S, Range 6E, Doña Ana County. Ground water beneath the site is at a depth of approximately 350 feet and has a total dissolved solids concentration of approximately 400 milligrams per liter. NMED permit contact: Alan Garrido at (505)827-2713 or alan.garrido@state.nm.us Prior to ruling on any proposed Discharge Permit or its modification, the New Mexico Environment Department, (NMED) will allow thirty days after the date of publication of this notice to receive written comments and during which a public hearing may be requested by any interested person, including the applicant. Requests for public hearing shall be in writing and shall set forth the reasons why the hearing should be held. A hearing will be held If NMED determines that there is substantial public interest. Comments for requests for hearing should be submitted to the Ground Water Quality Bureau at PO Box 5469, Santa Fe, NM 87502-5469.Pub #55516Run Date: June 26, 2015

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