Las Cruces Sun News, NOTICE OF BOND SALE$8,800,000NMSU - DOÑA ANA COMMUNITY COLLEGEGENERAL OBLIGATION (LIMITED TAX) BONDSSERIES 2015 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Governing Board ("Board") of NMSU - Doña Ana Community College District ("District"), Counties of Doña Ana and Otero, New Mexico, will, until the hour of 11:00 a.m., local time on July 8, 2015, at NMSU - Doña Ana Administration Building, 2800 N. Sonoma Ranch Boulevard, Las Cruces, New Mexico, receive sealed bids and bids sent by electronic transmission and then publicly open the same for the purchase of the District's General Obligation (Limited Tax) Bonds, Series 2015 ("Bonds"), in the aggregate principal amount of $8,800,000. After receipt of such bids, the Board will hold a special meeting in the Administrative Building, 2800 N. Sonoma Ranch Boulevard, Las Cruces, New Mexico, on July 8, 2015, at 6:00 p.m., local time, and will award the Bonds to the best bidder, adopt a bond resolution, and consider any other related matters. The agenda for the meeting will be available 72 hours prior to the meeting from the Administrative Assistant, Special/Executive in the President's Office, Doña Ana Community College East Mesa Campus, 2800 N. Sonoma Ranch Boulevard, Las Cruces, New Mexico.The Bonds will be issued as fully registered bonds and will mature on August 1 of each year as follows: Years Amounts Maturing Maturing 2016 $ 3,100,000 2017 1,400,000 2018 600,000 2019 600,000 2020 400,000 2021 400,000 2022 300,000 2023 300,000 2024 300,000 2025 350,000 2026 350,000 2027 350,000 2028 350,000The Bonds constitute a portion of the bonds that were authorized at a general obligation bond election held on February 3, 2015 and will constitute general obligation debt of the District, payable from general taxes that may be levied against all taxable property within the District in an amount not to exceed 5 mills; however, this limit may be exceeded if it is necessary to levy more that 5 mills to pay principal and interest on the Bonds, if the valutation of property within the District declines to a level lower than the valuation of such property in the year the Bonds were issued.The maximum net effective interest rate permitted on the Bonds is ten percent (10%).Bidders are required to submit an Official Bid Form or an electronic bid, as discussed below, specifying the lowest rate or rates of interest and premium, if any, at which such bidder will purchase the Bonds. Further limitations and information concerning the interest rates that may be bid for the Bonds and otherwise concerning bidding are set forth in the Official Notice of Bond Sale, of which this notice is a condensation. All bids must comply with the terms of the Official Notice of Bond Sale . Bids should be enclosed in a sealed envelope or delivered by facsimile or other electronic transmission, endorsed "Bid for Bonds" addressed as follows: the NMSU - Doña Ana Community College, Administrative Building, East Mesa Campus, 2800 N. Sonoma Ranch Boulevard, Las Cruces, New Mexico, Attention: Secretary, Governing Board, or sent electronically via PARITY. Only unconditional bids shall be considered. The District reserves the right of waiving any irregularity or informality (except time of filing) in any bid. The Official Notice of Bond Sale, the Official Bid Form, and the Preliminary Official Statement may be obtained from the District's financial advisor, RBC Capital Markets, LLC, 6301 Uptown Boulevard NE, Suite 110, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110 (Telephone (505) 872-5991).The validity and enforceability of the Bonds will be approved by the New Mexico Attorney General, and by Modrall, Sperling, Roehl, Harris & Sisk, P.A., Attorneys at Law, Albuquerque, New Mexico.Dated: June 4, 2015Pub #55508Run Date: June 26, 2015