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Public Hearing Notice Notice is hereby given that the Brattleboro Development Review Board will hold a...

Southern Vermont Marketplace, Public Hearing Notice Notice is hereby given that the Brattleboro Development Review Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, July 20, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the Selectboard Meeting Room, Municipal Center, 230 Main St., Brattleboro, VT, to consider the following: 2015-84 Tri Park Cooperative Housing Corporation; Planned Unit Development; Appeal of a Zoning Administrator's determination that land development had not occurred at a mobile home located in the park headquartered at 42 Village Drive; Tax Map Parcel #60159.200, 2015-94 Panda Properties, LLC; Commercial District; Appeal of a Zoning Administrator's determination that a sign is damaged by more than 1/3 of its value and the sign and supporting structure must be removed at 1332 Putney Road; Tax Map Parcel #70503.100, 2015-107 Russel Rosinski; Residential District; request for site plan and waiver of dimensional standards approval to construct a curb cut and two grass paver parking areas at 34 Washington Street; Tax Map Parcel #325382.000, 2015-111 Katie Buckley for Windham & Windsor Housing Trust, Inc.; Residential District; request for site plan and waiver of dimensional standards approval to renovate a three-story building and maintain number of living units while providing upgrades to parking and site layout; waive parking standards to remove two spaces; and waive set back standards to locate recycling enclosure in front yard setback; replace water service and add sprinkler system at 11 Cross Street; Tax Map Parcel #355320.000, 2015-112 Katie Buckley for Windham & Windsor Housing Trust, Inc.; Residential District; request for site plan and waiver of dimensional standards approval to renovate an existing three story building while maintaining the number of dwelling units and provide site improvements including modified parking & landscaping, water & sewer service line replacement, new walks, and a recycling shed located in the front yard setback at 90 Clark Street; Tax Map Parcel #325111.000, 2015-113 Katie Buckley for Windham & Windsor Housing Trust, Inc.; Residential District; request for site plan and waiver of dimensional standards approval to renovate two three-story, five dwelling unit apartment buildings; demolish garage on property with single unit dwelling and replace with parking area; replace water and sewer service lines; add sprinkler systems to apartment buildings; construct site improvements providing upgrades to parking, site layout & landscaping; waive set back standards to locate recycling enclosures and parking in front yard setback; and, maintain non-conforming percentage impervious coverage at 99, 105 & 109 Green Street; Tax Map Parcels #275353.000, #275354.000, & #275355.000. NOTE: Meetings are open to the public. For specific accommodations please call the Planning Services Department at 802-251-8154. Application materials are available for public review at the Planning Services Department office during regular business hours. 07/04/15

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