Berkshires Marketplace, INVITATION TO BID ROAD PAVING The Town of Lee through its Department of Public Works will received sealed bids clearly marked, "Road Paving 2015" until 2:00 PM on Thursday July 9, 2015 at the Department Office 45 Railroad St., Lee, MA. 01238. Bid specifications are immediately available at the Department's office at 45 Railroad Street Lee, MA 01238 or call 413-243-5520. Awarding authority is the Board of Selectmen. The Town of Lee reserves the right to accept any and all bids deemed in the best interest of the Town. Contractor pre-qualification, prevailing wages, bid security and payment bond, and WBE/MBE participation are requirements of this bid. The Town of Lee reserves the right to reject or accept any or all bids, waive minor informalities, as deemed in the best interest of the Town. Robert Nason Town Administrator 06/16/15