Times-Standard, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING EUREKA CITY HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Notice Is Hereby Given that the Eureka Historic Preservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, August 5, 2015, at 4:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, in the Council Chamber, Eureka City Hall, 531 "K" Street, Eureka, California, to consider the following applications: Project Title: Carson Block Restoration Project Applicant: Northern California Indian Development Council Case No: HPO-10-0007(mod) Project Location: 241 F Street; APN 001-091-007 Zoning Designation: Waterfront Commercial (CW) / Core Retail Commercial (C-RC) Project Description: The applicant is requesting approval from the Historic Preservation Commission to modify the previously approved project to restore the exterior faade of the Carson Block building, located at 241 F Street. The project was approved on October 6, 2014 with the condition that the applicant restore the street level roll-up awning. The applicant is now requesting the Commission remove the condition due to concerns surrounding shading and obstruction of the store fronts, as well as economic constraints. The property is listed on the City of Eureka Local Register of Historic Places and the proposed work is defined by Chapter 157 of the Eureka Municipal Code as an alteration of the historic property. Project Title: Fulkerson House Window Replacement Project Applicant: Julie Fulkerson Case No: HPO-15-0005 Project Location: 2614 L Street; APN 011-162-003 Zoning Designation: One-Family Residential (RS-6000) / Low Density Residential (LDR) Project Description: The applicant is requesting approval from the Historic Preservation Commission to install three dual-pane windows in the residence at 2614 L Street. The three original wood frame windows on the north faade of home will be replaced with white vinyl frame windows. The proposed windows will match the double-hung vinyl frame windows installed in the east, west, and south elevations in 2008. The property is listed on the City of Eureka Local Register of Historic Places and the proposed work is defined by Chapter 157 of the Eureka Municipal Code as an alteration of the historic property. All interested persons are invited to comment on the project either in person at the scheduled public hearings, or in writing. Written comments on the project may be submitted at the hearing or prior to the hearing by mailing or delivering them to the Development Services Department, at the address above. Accommodations for handicapped access to City meetings must be requested of the City Clerk, 441-4175, five working days in advance of the meeting. Appeals to the City Council of the action of the Historic Preservation Commission may be made within 10 days of the action by filing a written Notice of Appeal, along with applicable appeal fees, with the City Clerk. If you challenge the nature of the proposed action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or written correspondence delivered to the public entity conducting the hearing at or prior to the public hearing. The project file is available for review at the Community Development Department, Third Floor, City Hall. If you have questions regarding the project or this notice, please contact Robert Jensen, Assistant Planner, phone: (707) 441-4164; fax: (707) 441-4202; e-mail: rjensen@ci.eureka.ca.gov 7/26/2015