Times-Standard, NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS City of Eureka Bid#: 2015-09 PROJECT TITLE: BLUE OX STRATEGIC PLAN 1. The City of Eureka (hereinafter "CITY") is soliciting Requests for Proposals for the "BLUE OX STRATEGIC PLAN," (hereinafter "PROJECT"), and will receive proposals in the Development Services Office, 531 K Street, Eureka, California, 95501, up to the hour of 5:00 PM, Friday August 7, 2015. The services to be performed by the successful proposer are described in the Request for Proposals. Copies of the Request for Proposals are available at: http://www.ci.eureka.ca.gov/rfps/bids.asp. 2. All responsive proposals shall be reviewed and evaluated by the CITY in order to determine which proposer best meets the CITY's needs for the PROJECT. The criteria by which the CITY shall evaluate proposals are set forth in the Scope of Work. 3. The CITY reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or waive any irregularities in any proposal or the proposal process. 4. Since solicited services are to be funded with California program funds, state laws and regulations require that all contracts with consultants adhere to all applicable requirements relating, but not limited to, nondiscrimination, equal opportunity, environmental protection, and utilization of small business concerns. 5. The City of Eureka is not responsible for any costs incurred in the preparation of proposals and/or any work rendered by a firm prior to the contract award. 7/26/2015